Tackle the growing threat of cyber crime and learn how to build resilient systems of the future with a BSc (Hons) Cyber Security degree at UA92.
Delivered in our super-modern Digital Academy, this Cyber Security degree will teach you secure back-end and front-end development skills. Our industry specialists will train you up on languages like JavaScript, Python an SQL, to ensure your programming skills are on point.
This course is fully hands-on, with access to the latest technology supporting you to create secure web-based applications and implement cyber security policies and solutions. You’ll get to grips with the world of cyber-crime and its impact, understand how to identify and mitigate risk, and become familiar with important ethical and legal issues.
In your third year you’ll have the opportunity to use your skills and knowledge to come up with your own quality solution to a real-world computing security issue.
This course will enable you to:
- Understand the nature of cyber-crime and the importance of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI).
- Learn about operating systems and their similarities and differences.
- Begin to formulate risk management and mitigation strategies using real-world scenarios.
- Find out how to write robust code and integrate systems securely.
- Get to grips with Network security.
All UA92 degrees are awarded by Lancaster University.
- 2 - 4 Years
- September
- November†
- January
- February†
- April
- June†
- Manchester - Old Trafford Campus
You can complete your degree in as little as two years, depending on your starting point and study preference. For example:
- Standard degree – three years to complete*
- Accelerated degree – two years to complete*
- Foundation with standard degree – four years to complete
- Foundation with accelerated degree – three years to complete
†Not applicable for two year accelerated degree
*Entry via Integrated Year One or direct entry
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The International Foundation Programme will be taught at the UA92 Business School
- Academic and English Skills
This module is designed to provide students the grounding ready to undertake Level 4 study. It focuses on developing students’ knowledge, communication, analytical, critical thinking and key transferable skills which support undergraduate study. It includes a planned combination of lectures, tutorials and seminars, peer support activities, and blended learning to enable candidates to achieve these essential skills. There is an emphasis on student-driven learning and student engagement and participation in the design and evaluation of the module.
- Introduction to Numerical Techniques
This module will introduce students to basic maths theory and concepts to prepare them for studies in the first year of a degree. It includes a planned combination of lectures, tutorials and seminars, peer support activities, and blended learning to enable candidates to achieve these essential skills. There is an emphasis on student-driven learning and student engagement and participation in the design and evaluation of the module.
- Introduction to Research
This module is designed to provide students with the necessary research skills to be able to succeed at Level 4 study and beyond. It will enable students to understand, generate, analyse and interpret data and to draw valid conclusions from data. It develops students research skills, how to conduct effective research supported by a clear research plan and data analysis techniques. It includes a planned combination of lectures, tutorials and seminars, peer support activities, and blended learning to enable candidates to achieve these essential skills. There is an emphasis on student-driven learning and student engagement and participation in the design and evaluation of the module.
- Principles of IT
This module aims to develop in students from a wide range of cultures and experience with computers a good understanding of and ability to use common applications (Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint) in document creation, data collation and presentation. Students will also be made aware of the benefits of using web-based applications for information presentation and will be expected to use IT to communicate information effectively in a variety of forms. It includes a planned combination of lectures, tutorials and seminars, peer support activities, and blended learning to enable candidates to achieve these essential skills. There is an emphasis on student-driven learning and student engagement and participation in the design and evaluation of the module.
Fundamentals of Cyber Security
his module covers the nature of cyber-crime threat actors and hazards and the importance of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI).
Front End Development
You’ll get to grips with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, learning how to design and build a website based using a real-world scenario.
Back End Development
You’ll take an in depth look at Webservers, that form the backbone of the Internet. You’ll gain an understanding of Linux system management, PHP programming language, Structured Query Language (SQL) and database development theory; whilst building a database-based webserver app hosted on a Linux based server.
Software Design
You’ll take a look at how software systems are developed from inception to delivery and testing. You’ll learn about both traditional software development lifecycle and agile methodologies as well as complete a group design assignment to simulate a workplace team working environment.
Integrated Module (Integrated Year One students only)
Designed for international students, this entry point will develop a greater understanding of the skills you will need to develop in order to successfully and confidently progress with your UK degree.
The additional module has been designed to help students develop their academic literacy, and research and communication skills in preparation for undergraduate study. The areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening will be covered. The Integrated Year One will also help students understand the institutional culture, practices and core terminology of UK higher education.
Integrated Year One students will study all academic modules with direct Year One entrants. Additional support and guidance, designed for international students, will also be provided.
The Integrated Year One accepts students with a lower academic level than the standard Year One.
Operating Systems
Covers understanding OS capabilities, vulnerabilities and differences. Factors such a performance monitoring, process, resources and memory managed are taught so that given real life scenarios, the most suitable OS’s are selected with technical justification.
Cyber Security and Risk
You’ll learn how to identify and mitigate risks and how to build systems that are resilient and robust to threat, using cyber security principles. You’ll focus on the management SQL injection attack and how to mitigate Denial of Service attacks.
Information Systems
You’ll study advanced SQL programming, gaining an in depth knowledge about database technologies used to implement information systems. You’ll also look at the formal processes for documenting system requirements that are used to generate the code.
Secure Coding
How write robust secure code by adopting best practise as specified by bodies such as CyBOK and OWASP is covered, together with practices to mitigate interfacing to other system.
Human Elements of System Design
You’ll get a solid grounding in user interface principles; discover why developing a system that practices good user design principles is essential for any computing system, public facing website, or internal corporate system.
Network Security
You’ll evaluate the risks posed to networks and how to mitigate them using standards and policies, and implement various methods of securing networks through finding vulnerabilities via elements of ethical hacking and penetration testing.
Contemporary Issues in Computer Science
You’ll take a look at some of the most contemporary issues within Computer Science, such as remote working, automation and automated transport; understanding how ethical and legal issues can impact on the process of information systems development.
Final Project
You’ll undertake a large-scale Cyber Security project based on an actual computing brief. You’ll draw on your knowledge and skills to deliver a comprehensive, quality solution to a real-world security based computing problem.
As the digital world expands, the threat of cyber-crime is growing fast, and becoming more serious. It has the potential to bring down systems that are critical to our way of life and our national security.
This ever-increasing threat means we need more experts in cyber security to keep us and our data safe in a changing world. Cyber security professionals are in demand, and this demand is set to grow significantly as more systems digitise.
You’ll have the tools to succeed in various roles, including network and security engineer, cyber security analyst, information security specialist or data privacy engineer.
The focus on employability throughout this course will set you up for cyber security roles across a huge range of sectors including government, health, education, infrastructure and finance.